Quick question to start
That includes your tutors and professors.
Fellow students.
Anyone you want to sell your ideas to.
Hi, I’m Giles, Use the human voice
1,882 websites
The making things open team
The bad news
People don’t read
When they do read, they usually skim
So write things that are easy to skim
The good news
Tip 1
Tip 2
“One of the great failings of modern science is that most results are shared like this, and most people can’t understand this.”
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
Tip 3
Surprise bonus tip
Blogging, even if you call it something else
Newsletter / journal / notebook
Video is good for making people feel things
Presenting! Show things! Tell stories!
Write less, more often
Iterate communication like you iterate work
Write about good things and bad things
Add a tiny bit of creativity
Know your purpose
Show the actual work
Feedback welcome: